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I personally disagree with the view of the teacher  who stated ‘lesson planning takes up a lot of time”.Why should I waste time on that?…………   Even though the teacher knows what she have to teach she still needs a lesson plan.A lesson plan is a guide to help teachers teach pupils effectively.There are various stages in the lesson plan ,that is,the teacher will not teach from anywhere but he /she will follow the lesson plan.It is an organized layout of content which makes it easy for teachers. If the teacher is absent from class for a specific reason,a substitute teacher can easily follow the lesson plan and continue the lesson where the teacher left off instead start a new topic.In conclusion,lesson planning is very important it help the teacher ‘s work to be easy.

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June 6th,2012.what I’ve learnt in class…….

Today Miss Verbena did a recap on what is professionalism.Basically it’s the way you carry yourself ,how you dress ,how you manage the classroom as a teacher  and so on.

You have a get a good lesson to gain the pupils attention.You have to have activities that involves the  pupils.Because at the primary level they are talkative and they like to move around.According to Gardner’s  multiple intelligence,children learn differently so you have to plan your lessons to accommodate each pupil’s individual ability.

Blooms taxonomy will help you to plan an  effective lesson.